Daniel Batson asks The Altruism Question.
We want to know
if anyone ever, in any degree, transcends the bounds of self-benefit and helps
out of genuine concern for the welfare of another (Batson, 1991, pp. 1-2).
Batson answers yes and his critics answer
no. Despite scores of studies, no data has yet persuaded any of the main
players in the debate to change their answer. Part of the reason for this is
that ‘The’ Altruism Question is double-barrelled. It combines two questions
that would better be asked separately. One asks if behaviour is ever motivated
by concern for another’s (positive) welfare and the other asks if such action
ever ‘transcends the bounds of self-benefit’.
In my previous post I suggested that it is useful to distinguish between the
subject and the object of goal-directed behaviour. People seeking to help
others are the subjects of their actions: they are the people who are trying to
achieve something. The same is true of people attempting to harm others and of
people deliberately seeking to benefit or to harm themselves. In each case,
someone is trying to bring about a state of affairs they desire. They differ in
what they are trying to do (e.g., to help or to harm) and in the objects of
their goals (e.g., who they are
trying to help or harm). I suggested that actions can be called altruistic to the
extent that they seek other-benefit, just as actions can be called aggressive or
prudent to the extent that they seek, respectively, other-harm or self-help. Altruistic
action understood in this way is no more mysterious than any other goal-seeking
Although it is very easy to get confused
when thinking about “altruism”, “selfishness”, and related terms, I have never
met anyone who seriously doubts that humans sometimes want nice things for
other people and that such desires sometimes motivate attempts to bring those
nice things about. There is certainly plentiful evidence that they do; much of it
from Batson’s lab.
This answers one half of Batson’s Altruism Question. People do sometimes help
because of genuine concern for the welfare of others.
The wording of The Altruism Question commits Batson to move from accepting that
people sometimes seek to help others to concluding that, when they do this,
they transcend the bounds of self-benefit. But that conclusion is no more
justified than it would be after observing that people sometimes strive to harm
others. (The Altruism Question can be modified with ease into The Aggression
Question. Try it!)
Batson’s critics feel constrained by the
same logic but move in the opposite direction. They reason that people doing
something they want to do must involve pursuing rather than transcending
self-benefit. Therefore, they conclude, people never help others because of
genuine concern for their welfare. All apparent altruism is really
self-interest. Presumably, similar reasoning would require conclusions that people
who seem aggressive are not ‘really’ trying to harm others but are instead ‘only’ doing what they want to
do; pursuing self-benefit. On this account it seems that pursuing self-benefit
is the only ‘real’ goal people can ever have.
Any attempt to understand concern for the
(positive or negative) welfare of others is severely hampered if all
goal-directed behaviour is characterised as being indiscriminately
Besides severely hampering research into
one of the most important phenomena on earth, the main problem with The Altruism Question being
double-barrelled is that it invites unnoticed switching between different meanings
of the phrase “self-benefit”.
Batson believes that people sometimes have
goals to improve others’ welfare. Batson’s critics believe that motivation necessarily
involves people pursuing personal interests. These are perfectly compatible
positions. People are sometimes personally - sincerely, genuinely - interested in
having a positive impact on others’ lives. Having a positive impact on others’
welfare is (at least part of) what people with altruistic goals want to do.
It is perfectly possible to assume that
people are ultimately motivated by trying to achieve what they want to achieve
(i.e., that they pursue personal-interests) but nevertheless insist that there
can be important differences in what
they want to achieve - which is sometimes but not always to have a positive
influence on others’ welfare. People are sometimes altruistic just as they are
sometimes aggressive. In each case, just as with any goal-directed behaviour,
people are pursuing personal interests; pursuing what they want.
Related things can be said about people
pursuing positive welfare for groups and about people striving to be moral or
pious. Batson calls these pursuits examples of ‘collectivism’ and ‘principalism’,
respectively, and asks whether they might involve additional forms of
motivation distinct from both ‘egoism’ and ‘altruism’. That is, Batson
essentially asks The Collectivism
Question and The Principlism Question.
He might as well also ask The Animal
Welfare Question, The Killing Vermin Question, and any number of other Questions. Is it really constructive to
question whether people ever (genuinely, really, sincerely, etc.) seek to help particular
groups, harm particular groups, follow some principles, resist some principles,
help particular animals, harm particular animals, serve science, maintain
family honour, etc? Making such claims is only to say that people have and
sometimes seek fulfilment of many, many different personal goals. No novel
theory of motivation is required by realising any of this; any more than one is
needed by accepting that people sometimes have sincere goals to help others.
It is vitally important to try to
understand people caring about and pursuing (negative and positive) other-welfare.
Progress towards such understanding is routinely hampered by scientists and scholars
confusing themselves and others by over-complicating the nature of these activities.
Frustrating though it can be, there are
other conceptual confusions which need to be addressed before the empirical
literature relating to concern for the positive welfare of others can be appraised
with a clear head. Next up: Does altruism require sacrifice?
Key points
‘The Altruism Question’ is doubled-barrelled
and asks two distinct questions.
One part of ‘The Altruism Question’
asks if people ever act on goals to help others. The evidence that they do is similar
to evidence that people act on myriad other goals they have.
The other part of ‘The Altruism
Question’ asks if people ever transcend self-interest. They do to the extent
that people sometimes have personal interests to pursue the perceived interests
of others (as well as or rather than pursing interests for the ‘self’ – see previous post). They do not in the sense that people’s personal goals are, by
definition, their own goals - even when those goals are to try to help others.
The conflation of distinct questions within
‘The Altruism Question’ leads to confusion, particularly around notions of
“self-interest”. There is no tension involved in claiming that people sometimes
seek to satisfy personal goals to help others.
couple of key sources
Batson, C. D. (1991). The
altruism question: Towards a social-psychological answer. Hove: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Batson, C. D. (1994). Why act for the public good? Four answers. Personality
and Social Psychology Bulletin, 20, 603-610. Link
to cite this blog post using APA Style
T. Farsides. (2013, October
14). The Altruism Question: Yes or no? Retrieved from http://tomfarsides.blogspot.com/2013/10/the-altruism-question-yes-or-no.html
Bush-baby link
Compassionate intervention –No link! Sorry, I can’t remember or
currently relocate where I copied this photo from. I will attribute the source
as soon as I can find it again.
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